Drug advertising law
We advise small, medium-sized and globally active businesses in all issues of Drug Advertising Law. Our Advice not only covers classical advertising activities on all media but also PR-campaigns, benefits for doctors, pharmacists and patients as well as sponsoring of events including media events.
We pay particular attention to the admissibility of advertising, promotional activities and each product, thus taking the creative interests of marketing into consideration.
We have experience with the interpretation of study results and their use in advertising and are familiar with the area of social media.
It goes without saying that we have long-term experience with the enforcement of our clients‘ claims in legal proceedings and were able to achieve important decisions in the higher courts.
To attain best advertising impact with the implemented marketing activities and to avoid legal proceedings at the same time is our key goal.
Areas of focus
- Drug advertising law
- Advertising for specialists groups
- Deception
- Online advertising
- Support of advertising campaigns in all media
- Client-specific inhouse training
- Enforcement of claims and defense against attacks related to legalities of advertising